sparkle magic

As some of you may know, from September 2013 to September 2016 I ran a little recording studio called The Sparkle on the Oregon coast. Many artists from all over came to record out there, and I am very honored to have been a part of so many lovely projects, recording, mixing, sometimes even mastering and often contributing myself to the music with a variety of different instruments.

The Sparkle is currently on a bit of a haitus since I have recently moved to Ireland. But I’m very happy to share this mix I put together for the program ‘Freakier Zone‘ on BBC 6, featuring many of the different artists I worked with out there over the years, including several unreleased tracks. Feel free to listen here!

The first song is by my friend Laurel Simmmons, aka MayMay, from her new album that was just released on the lovely oscarson label. This record features contributions from myself as well as my sister, Heather Woods Broderick, Raúl Pastor Medall (aka Rauelsson) and Birger Olsen. Highly recommended!

And speaking of oscarson . . . check out the new oscarsongs compilation to be released soon! It’s a wonderful collection of music curated by the amazing David Allred, with unreleased tracks from myself, Brigid Mae Power and many others. Yay!