Notice for Specific Performance of Contract Format

If you`re a business owner, chances are you`ve entered into contracts with other businesses or individuals. And while most contracts go smoothly, there may be times when one party fails to perform their obligations under the agreement. This is where a notice for specific performance of contract can be useful.

What is a notice for specific performance of contract?

A notice for specific performance of contract is a legal document that is used to demand that a party fulfill its obligations under an existing contract. The notice specifies the terms of the contract that the other party has failed to perform and gives them a deadline to remedy the situation.

When should you use a notice for specific performance of contract?

If a party has breached a contract by failing to perform their obligations, you may use a notice for specific performance of contract. The notice is typically used when monetary damages are not enough to compensate for the breach and when the injured party desires to enforce the actual performance of the contract.

What should be included in a notice for specific performance of contract?

When drafting a notice for specific performance of contract, there are certain elements that should be included. These include:

1. Parties involved: Names of the parties involved in the contract and their contact details.

2. Description of the contract: A detailed description of the contract, including the date it was signed and the terms of the agreement.

3. Breach of contract: A description of the specific breach of the contract and evidence to support the claim.

4. Demand for specific performance: A clear and concise demand for the other party to perform their obligation under the contract within a specified timeframe.

5. Consequences of failure to perform: A statement of the consequences that will follow if the other party fails to comply with the demand.

6. Signature and date: The notice should be signed by the party issuing the notice and dated.


If you find yourself in a situation where a party has breached a contract, a notice for specific performance of contract can be a valuable tool. However, it is advisable to seek legal counsel before issuing such a notice to ensure that it is appropriate for your situation and that all necessary elements are included.

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